5 Fruits That Melt Belly Fat And Get You  a Flat Tummy

Add these foods into your diet to achieve a flatter, healthier tummy

Bananas are high in fiber, low in calories, and the fiber makes you feel fuller longer. This means you'll be less likely to overeat and more likely to stick to your diet!

Avocado helps reduce inflammation and prevent blood sugar spikes which cause the body to store fat at the waistline.

Warm lemon water helps jumpstart your gastro-intestinal tract so that food can pass through easier and faster. This means less bloating and discomfort!

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that change how the body stores glucose, resulting in flatter tummies.

Cucumber is a natural diuretic, which removes water weight and helps with belly bloatingsnack!

Add some sliced cucumber to your salad or enjoy it as a crunchy snack!